Healing Journey


  • Hand-designed with slate, sandstone, mica, mica stones, red dog, pebbles, red dog, pebbles, ceramic, and smalti.

  • 15” x 15”, 20” x 20” with custom oak frame.



This mosaic explores the natural way we are meant to be in the world – connected – and the isolation everyone has experienced during the pandemic, especially immunocompromised people.

The natural way of being is represented with interwoven circles made with natural materials that I foraged: pebbles, mica, slate, sandstone, and reddog.

The unnatural way of being – isolated – is represented on the right with a single line of pebbles interrupted by man-made materials – ceramic and smalti.

This piece turned out to be quite large, 15 x 15 inches, because the size of the materials I was using to create 7 circles and 1 single line necessitated that I work large! In the background is a thousand+ pieces of slate. It ended up taking a really long time to complete! Completing the background gave my hands something to sink into while I was healing from my treatments.


Cycles of Life